Cancellation Policy:
Personal training sessions: If you cancel a personal training session with us, with more than 24-hours notice we will either rebook it for you or re-credit the session to you in some form. If you cancel or postpone a session with us, with less than 24-hours notice we will attempt to run your session, but it must be re-booked within 7-days of the original time slot.
Group fitness sessions: If you cancel a group fitness class while on a concession membership the same policy above (as with personal training sessions) applies. Please note that any leftover, unused group sessions on your concession will expire after 6-months from purchase.
Shared personal training sessions: If you cancel a 'shared' personal training session with us, no matter the time frame, we will aim to slot you into a different time that same week. If you consistently miss a certain 'shared' personal training session we will re-look at what time you have book and/or your current membership to see if it is working for you.
No matter the circumstance we always aim to deliver the value of what you've paid for.