Limit Zero Gym Podcasts

Workouts made and set up for Limit Zero only.

Have a look at the list below of all the wonderful LZ Gym podcast workouts you can download, put onto your listening device and use anytime as much as you like in the way you like. Leave the workout to us while you have full control of the speed, timing and how long you go for. 

These podcasts are the perfect way to make the most of Limit Zero and the lovely gym environment. They work well in any order, and if you really like one, save it and keep using it to build on the exercises within it. How you use them is up to you, so go ahead, get stuck in and enjoy!

Limit Zero Gym Podcast #1
Limit Zero Gym Podcast #1

A mix of strength work and cardio targeting the whole body to get the best of everything. A slightly slower routine to help you understand how to use certain equipment at Limit Zero and what weights to use. Roughly 37-minutes long.

Created by Blair Williamson, 15th January 2019.

Limit Zero Gym Podcast #2
Limit Zero Gym Podcast #2

Starting with a good biking routine, then mixing into strength before finishing with a wee sprint finish. Targeting the whole body to get the best of everything. A slightly slower routine to help you understand how to use certain equipment at Limit Zero and what weights to use. Roughly 32-minutes long.

Created by Blair Williamson, 24th January 2019.

Limit Zero Gym Podcast #3
Limit Zero Gym Podcast #3

Starting with a cool treadmill routine, then mixing into some strength this workout is another great session designed just for Limit Zero. A slightly slower routine to help you understand how to use certain equipment at Limit Zero and what weights to use. Roughly 38-minutes long.

Created by Nory Lansing, 1st February 2019.

Limt Zero Gym Podcast #4
Limt Zero Gym Podcast #4

Starting with a touch of mobility and a lot of rowing, this podcast offers even more for you to experience at Limit Zero. Clearly explaining all you need to know. This workout is roughly 34-minutes long.

Created by Blair Williamson, 15th February 2019.

Limit Zero Gym Podcast #5
Limit Zero Gym Podcast #5

The fifth and final podcast series, for now, is a wonderful wee challenge. Some new exercises, some of the ones we've just learnt - this podcast offers even more for you to experience at Limit Zero. Clearly explaining all you need to know. This workout is roughly 33-minutes long.

Created by Blair Williamson & Nory Lansing, 12th March 2019.

Instructional video on how to correctly fo the 'pistol squat to pull up' (please watch this video before getting started on this podcast).

How to download one of our podcasts

Using a phone?
Using a phone?

Click on the link above to open it up, tap the share button at the bottom of your screen, scroll across and 'add to home screen' - this will make it appear as you have another app on your phone. Call it LZ Gym #1+. Then use it as much as you like.

Using a Mac or PC?
Using a Mac or PC?

Right-click on the links above and select 'Save Link As...' - then transfer the file onto an mp3 player.